Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt

Everleigh actually did pretty well for her first Easter egg hunt. She had been playing with her eggs all day and knew that the were supposed to go in the basket so I consider that a success! Either way - she had fun and looked cute doing it!

Trying yet again to get a picture in front of some flowers...

until this happened...

which led to this face (I think there were thorns on the roses)

All better once we got inside and opened ANOTHER basket of Easter goodies from PawPaw and Omi K!

My sad attempt to dye Easter eggs - I'll do better next year! :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! We had a wonderful Easter. My dad and Karen came up and went to church and lunch with us and it was great to see them. I didn't have my camera at church though, so unfortunately we didn't get pictures with them. Everleigh also did not want to stand alone to have her picture taken - she wanted to walk to the camera or turn her back to the camera, but never look at the camera - so I have none of the classic child-in-front-of-the-flowers pictures. Well, I have some, but they are not of her even close to looking. Anyway, here's what we did get:
This was the night before going to a wedding reception. I walked in to get Everleigh up from her nap with a dress on and my hair down and straight and Everleigh looked me up and down several times before finally reaching her arms up to me. Shows you how often we go out doesn't it! Kind of sad...and funny.

Pretending to be shy

I love kisses from Daddy!

Look what the Easter Bunny brought me!

She loved her little duck and was saying "kak kak" later

Happy girl - as long as she could walk

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hot Spring Day!

We got Everleigh a baby pool for the summer since we don't have another place to take her. I really thought I went overboard on a big pool with a slide, but she loved every bit of it and walked around all of it and LOVED the slide. She would hardly look at Cody and me she was having so much fun!

She loved splashing

Cody was mowing the grass that day too and Everleigh wanted some of Daddy's big water

Friday, April 15, 2011

I'm so behind!!

So sorry for the temporary delay in posting. I've been quite busy lately.

Everleigh has changed so much since I last posted. She's over 14 months now and walking!! She took her first steps on March 5, but didn't really start walking until about a week ago and now she's every where! After her first steps I would try to encourage her to walk and she would laugh at me and squat down and crawl. She started walking on her own by pushing her little ball popping toy across the room. Well, this little toy was certainly not helping her walk. It was probably pulling her down rather than helping her, but she didn't know that. She thought it was like all the rest of her toys that are made to help you walk and just walked across the room with it. After a few passes with that, we just took it away from her and she walked right to me! Now she won't stop! It's so fun to see and to see how proud of herself she is. She smiles so big every time she walks.
She's also talking up a storm now. She says mama, daddy- "addy", doggy- "augy", woof-woof- "oof-oof", no, yes- "esh", thank you- "ank oo", i love you- "ove oo" -(this one melts me every time!), she tries to say her name, but it's more like "eh-e", ear- "are", please- "ese", she also tries to make a monkey noise and puts her hand up under her arm like a monkey - so cute! She can point to your nose, ear, and belly button and we are working on the rest of them. She also loves to give kisses to Mommy and Daddy!
She has 3 official teeth and one that just broke through. 2 more look like they'll be any day now. She doesn't let the limited number of teeth affect her though. She eats more than I do some meals and eats pretty much whatever we're eating. She loves grilled cheese and quesadillas, but mainly wants fruits and veggies. Not so much of a meat eater, but she's ok at that too.
She loves pointing at what's on her clothes.
She tries to pull her belly button off and gets a little frustrated that it's not moving. Very funny! That's all the big stuff I can think of for now. Time for pictures!!
Loving her food!!

Waiting on Daddy to get home

Eating with a spoon - so messy and so fun!

My happy girl

Everleigh with her bunny - she loves her bunny